This post examines those burning questions that you may have in and around the world of supply teaching. We hope this covers everything, but let us know if you have other questions you’d like answers to. What skills do you need to be a supply teacher? As a...
formatHaving taught for over 20 years the feedback cycle has been the ever important part of a teachers tool kit to support learning. Lets face it, there’s nothing better for a student to get a ‘well done’ or a call/ postcard/email sent home for the...
So you have made it through the harsh winter months, the long days, dark nights and the scraping ice off your car with whatever you can get your hands on (I remember using a cassette case once!). The Easter term is the well needed pit stop that allows you to...
bviously -19 There Having worked within education for nearly 20 years and now the director of Teachers today, a fab supply teaching agency, I am in a good position to share my view on this statement. Apart from extreme workloads, Co-vid, red tape and a reduced...
So once again we have the same issue being quoted by the NASWUT of a teacher shortage. I wrote a previous blog on the deepening crisis of teacher recruitment in schools and how the Government is burying its head in the sand regarding the issue (I RECENTLY WOKE UP TO...
This headline really concerns me, not only as a teacher but now as director of a teaching agency based in Sussex, Teachers today. ‘The NASWUT union are calling for urgent action to regulate all supply agencies and introduce national standards for the employment of...