As the Director of Teachers today I believe that it is essential that we practise what we preach!Yes, that is correct we are probably the only teaching agency that both Directors of Primary and Secondary still teach in local Brighton & Sussex schools. I could take...
Let’s start with the facts… unlike teachers’ pay, the workload of teachers on payroll increases year on year. Not only are you expected to be a world-class educator, you are also a pillar of society trusted to instill clear values and behavioural...
An article written by Sean Coughlan (BBC Educational correspondent) on teacher recruitment stated that: ‘The NAHT report also warns of the extra cost, with schools saying that agency fees to find teachers can cost £10,000 for a single appointment’ Emma Knights, Chief...
This post examines those burning questions that you may have in and around the world of supply teaching. We hope this covers everything, but let us know if you have other questions you’d like answers to. What skills do you need to be a supply teacher? As a...
So you have made it through the harsh winter months, the long days, dark nights and the scraping ice off your car with whatever you can get your hands on (I remember using a cassette case once!). The Easter term is the well needed pit stop that allows you to...
bviously -19 There Having worked within education for nearly 20 years and now the director of Teachers today, a fab supply teaching agency, I am in a good position to share my view on this statement. Apart from extreme workloads, Co-vid, red tape and a reduced...