Tip 1. Get there early and remember your manners
- ‘Please’ and ‘Thank yous’ go along way
- Look smart. My mum says always wear a clean pair of shoes!!
- Have a firm hand shake and look people in the eye (remember you are supposedly a good communicator)
- Get the early bus! Get off the earlier stop and walk in with the students allowing you to observe the general behaviour of the students
Tip 2. Ask relevant questions
- What has been the journey of the school?
- What is the school’s vision?
- What CPD is in place at the school?
- What support would you receive as a new teacher?
Tip 3. Prepare for the lesson – What are they looking for?
You won’t be able to cover everything! Simply the observer is looking for your personality to shine through and ability to engage with students!! Be natural, not somebody you think they want to see. During the lesson:
- Introduce yourself and behaviour expectations for learning to take place
- Pick up on names of those in the class
- Engage with students
- Reward students where possible
- Use Q&A and group/paired work to instil learning
- Think about differentiation and how you may introduce this
- Don’t stick religiously to your lesson plan if you feel it is going wrong. How you cope and remain calm under pressure will be looked upon favourably. Being flexible and adapting to a situation shows that you are able to read a situation and be reflective.
Tip 4. The interview
This can be a daunting experience but remain calm and gather your thoughts. As much as the school is interviewing you, you are also determining whether this is the right school for you. Make sure to prepare, these are some of the questions you may be asked:
- Why teach?
- What is good teaching and learning?
- How would you manage behaviour in the classroom?
- Can you give an example of a positive outcome with a student?
- A safeguarding question
- Can you describe with evidence how you have influence progress?
Tip 5. The most important piece of advice I can give you is to be yourself, don’t waffle and listen to the question being asked.
If you would like more information on teaching jobs and opportunities in Brighton and Sussex why not contact us today on 01273 799694 or at info@teacherstoday.co.uk
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